DORC has just secured a license for land adjacent Charles Darwin National Park to build our own tracks. This does not mean that it is now a free for all to build tracks. The club is taking a measured approach to make the most of the available land (heritage/cultural) to build the best possible tracks for the entire cycling community. As many may be aware, the club has engaged the services of Ground Creations to create a concept plan for the expansion and development of trails in the licenced land area. If all the planets align, trail construction could start next dry – ‘funding dependant’.
Throughout the years DORC has operated largely in the background: running events; maintaining, building, advocating for tracks; running skill sessions; and generally supporting the off-road biking scene in the top end. During this time DORC has not really pushed for people to formally join the club – some perceive it as an unnecessary cost with no perceived benefit – why take out a membership to ride on a free track? As such, formal membership of the club has remained modest.
But as the President of DORC I am now asking (nay begging) that top end MTB’ers reading this message become an advocate for DORC in two ways: become a club member and a vocal supporter of our sport.
The club estimates we need around a “bucket of cash” for the creation of an extra 20 – 25km of trails and a skills park on the newly acquired land. This sort of money is not beyond the capacity of the club to raise, but it is going to take some time and your support. Currently only a small section of track could be built at any one time: our hope is we can secure government funding to build it all in one go.
Historically DORC has internally measured our success by the numbers of participants turning up to events/rides/maintenance and riders out on the tracks with smiles on their dials. As such, we think we are doing a great job! Sadly however, when it comes to securing Government funding it is a ‘membership numbers game’ and the Government needs to see the club’s member numbers are high to get the sort of funding needed to build the new tracks.
So – the club is asking a big favour, sort of a crowd funding idea, but instead of just giving the club money we are asking you to join the club. This is primarily because once DORC reaches 400 members it will be automatically eligible for funding from the government each year guaranteed. But also by joining you personally get great benefits of personal insurance, and the warm and fuzzy feeling of knowing you are supporting the club, mountain biking in Australia, and fast tracking the new track work.
The club has 175 members currently; we need that extra 225 people to sign on to start receiving this funding. If we get more people sign on great: it is all about power in numbers. There are several different memberships: non-riding; recreational; junior; Dirtmaster; and race. Please sign for the full year.
So when you’re out on the track and you see others riding: ask them if they are a DORC.
Chris Hanson
President of DORC