Continuing on with the Charles Darwin Maintenance Days DORC will be hosting two more working bees at Charles Darwin National Park. The working bees will concentrate on clearing the overgrown grass from the tracks. Tools will be provided, however if you have your own brushcutter or whipper snipper feel free to bring it along.
Both working bees will meet inside the front gate to Charles Darwin, the dates/time are:
- Sunday, 17th April, 4pm.
- Sunday, 1st May, 4pm.
As always please be suitably attired, long pants, long sleeve shirts and gloves are recommended and good sturdy shoes as well as sunscreen and a hat. Water will be provided by the club but camelbak’s are recommended whilst working.
DORC members who volunteer at this weekend’s working bee will be receive free entry to next weekend’s Two Up Race. Additionally SpokesNT has kindly donated prizes for the working bee which will be given out at random to volunteers.
Any further questions about the working bees please contact Keogh Conboy on 0428821360.