Following changes brought about by COVID19 and generally availability of volunteers, we announce changes to our calendar.
New Event. – 2 August. Pine Forest Point to Point. All the trails we can put together into one loop of the Pine Forest.
New Partnership – R U OK? Poker Race – Having R U OK and DORC combine resources to bring recreational activity and a friendly atmosphere together, and help with a serious problem.
Reborn – Top End Enduro. Making the most of the hills we have to bring some action to the downhill desperados
New Race Course – Monsoon Madness. Familiar with the Lee Point Course? Not any more. A new course to bring more trails and challenges to the Lee Point race. This will be a pairs race.
The keen-of-eye will notice that we have unfortunately shelved plans for the Top End Stage race. At this time, in this climate, with the volunteer resources already stretched, it’s just too big for us to take on this year. However the behind-the-scenes work that has taken place, with scouting for courses and locations has not gone to waste.
New Skills Courses Announced
We have new skills courses ready to go.
- Sun 9th Aug Braking and cornering (already fully booked)
- Sun 30th August. Womens intro to mtb.
- Sun 6th Sep negotiating trail features
- Sun 27th Sep intro to drops and jumps.
- 4 week Fun “D” Mentals course starts Sun 4 Oct
Each of these courses have a limited number of available spots and will available for booking two to three weeks prior to the start date,
For more information on races and skills courses, see full DORC Calendar.
Good Evening,
I would like to sign up for the women’s MTB course on the 30 Jun. Please let me know if you require any details.
Hi Johanna,
The 4.5 hr course on Sunday 30th August will be open for registration approximately 3 weeks before. Please keep an eye on the DORC FB page and/or webpage for the registration link. You will need to be a member of MTBA for insurance purposes. If you have any questions pls ring Jo 0439889442
Hi Johanna.
That date should read 30 August.
Registration for the courses will open approximately two weeks before the course starts. Keep an eye on social media.
I didn’t see a post for the 9th August braking and cornering session? Do you advertise sessions anywhere else?
Hi Shirley. It was a DORC FB post with a link to the DORC webpage. It was shared to the usual mountain biking pages, like the Bashers, Ride Darwin etc. It sold out within a few hours.