Roll up ladies! The next ladies ride will be held on Sunday 26th April at Howard Springs. We will meet at 7.15am for a 7.30am start for an hour or two. Camilla will lead an easy paced ride on the lovely (flat) flowing trails at the Old Pine Forest, meeting point is approximately 3km on the LEFT hand side down Howard Springs road from the Stuart Highway turnoff. Then Jenny from Jenny’s Orchid Garden will have some delicious fresh scones and tea and coffee for us from 9am.
This ride is for ladies only but partners and friends are welcome to join us for refreshments at Jenny’s Orchid Garden afterwards.
Contact Camilla Michie 0439872465
[…] that you don’t need to lock your brakes in these early stages whilst the ride line is settling in. Parks and Wildlife Commission NT has approved a soft open for the trail, there are still trail […]