As part of our commitment to providing the best off-road riding experience, Darwin Off-Road Cyclists have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife.
The MoU outlines the responsibilities for both parties to manage Mountain Bike Trails within the parks and reserves in the Darwin area. Importantly, it provides the agreement between DORC and the NT Government to enable grants and funding for the professional trail development and signage that has taken place in Charles Darwin National Park and Casuarina Coastal Reserve. It will also be key to the future progress of the growth and maintenance of the Top End trail network.
Below is an extract of the key parts of the MoU, describing the agreed responsibilities of DORC and NTPWC.
Roles and responsibilities of NTPWC
NTPWC has the responsibility to care for, control and manage the relevant parks and reserves.
NTPWC are responsible for:
- Communicating with DORC on issues relating to off road cycling within the parks and reserves in the Darwin region.
- Seeking input from DORC regarding future plans that affect off road cycling within the parks and reserves.
- Supporting DORC to prepare an agreed off road cycling strategic masterplan for each of the parks and reserves.
- Where possible, providing support in the form of equipment, materials, human resources and funding to establish, restore or maintain sustainably designed off road cycling trails that encourage responsible riding in the parks and reserves.
- Where possible, providing training for DORC volunteers in occupational health and safety, equipment use, weed control, conservation and other relevant topics.
- Responding in a timely manner to DORC requests for approval to conduct special events within the parks and reserves.
- Providing constructive feedback to funding applications, plans and project briefs developed by DORC, regarding use of the parks and reserves.
- Working constructively with DORC to resolve any negative issues relating to off road cycling in the parks and reserves.
Roles and responsibilities of DORC
The role of DORC is to develop and manage the use of mountain bikes within the parks and reserves in the Darwin region.
DORC has responsibility for:
- Promoting understanding of responsible mountain bike riding practices among DORC members and the mountain biking community more generally.
- Encouraging all mountain bikers to respect the cultural and natural values of the parks and reserves.
- Encouraging all mountain bikers to respect other park users.
- Organising and running social and training rides within the parks and reserves.
- Organising and running mountain bike events (races) within the parks and reserves.
- Increasing the knowledge of DORC members, and other relevant parties, of sustainable mountain bike trail building techniques.
- Preparing, for the approval of NTPWC, strategic master plans for off road cycling in the parks and reserves.
- Seek approval from NTPWC to maintain or construct sustainable off road cycling trails in the parks and reserves.
- Organising volunteers to maintain and construct off road cycling trails, as well as undertake approved activities, such as weed control, in the parks and reserves.
- Establishing a mechanism so DORC members can report matters that may be of interest to NTPWC, including unsafe visitor infrastructure, road and track conditions, notable wildlife observations, pests, weeds and feral animal observations, alleged breaches of the relevant legislation i.e. illegal dumping.
Mutual Roles and Responsibilities
In addition, the NTPWC and DORC will:
- Recognise and respect each other’s roles and responsibilities.
- Promote responsible mountain biking as a legitimate activity within the parks and reserves.
- Support a collaborative and cooperative partnership between NTPWC, DORC and any other affiliated organisations to develop mountain bike used within NT parks.
- Communicate openly with each other on matters relating to off road cycling within parks and reserves in the Darwin region, and work constructively to resolving problems identified by either party.
- Operate within the spirit of strategic master plans, plans of management, or other plans relating to the development or improvement of off road cycling trails within the parks and reserves.
- Collaborate on the development of publicity materials to promote both organisations and inform the public of the partnership activities. Any such material prepared by either party for publicity will be submitted to the other party for approval prior to its release.
- Not advertise or promote materials carrying the logo or other official text or emblems that might suggest service endorsement by either association without prior approval.
- Meet half yearly to discuss progress and plans under this MOU, and on any other dates agreed necessary by both parties.
This looks like a step in the right direction and gives all involved plenty of direction about progressing mountain biking in the NT And especially on NT National Parks