With the announcement by the NT Government of the Roadmap to new Normal, it’s time to think about events and where we are at with regards to mountain bike activities.
Behind the scenes, we’ve been making plans, pruning trails and getting ready.
DORC Race Events
DORC Races and events will pick up with the planned schedule. The events that were missed, we will do next year. We’re just going to jump into the race schedule with a couple of variations to meet the physical distancing requirements as outlined by the NT Government.
The Lee Point Race, originally planned to be a pairs race, will now be a 2 hour solo race. With a couple of adjustments for social distancing, will be going ahead on May 16.
The Pine Forest 3 Hour, will proceed as planned on June 13. As planning proceeds, we’ll keep you advised of any changes to detail
Social Rides and MTB Training
Our Community Committee are also planning the new normal for Social Rides and Skills Training. Courses can be fairly hands-on at times, and we’ve had some fairly large groups at social rides. We love it, but it can be hard to manage in terms of rider briefings and rest stops at times.
We’re going to wait until regulations regarding social distancing are further relaxed.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. See you on the trails, soon!