Hi all, its a few weeks after our AGM and with our first meeting done and dusted it is time to welcome our new committee for 2022
President – Keogh Conboy
Vice President – Dave Wigley
Treasurer – Olly Dimito
Secretary – Expression of Interest wanted
General Committee Members
Diane Cox
Jo Fox
Kevin Wells
Tim Smith
Shirley Donnelly
We are all busy preparing for the year ahead, so expect to see our race calendar out very shortly and of course our training program for the year. DORC are keen to host some longer adventure rides this year so keep an eye out for them. We are still require a secretary so if you want to help out but your not sure what duties are involved please give Keogh a call on 0488 992 766 or email the club at darwinoffroadcyclists@gmail.com and he can fill you in on what is expected (and it’s not much). Thanks to everyone who could make it to the AGM and thanks to everyone else for supporting the club.