Ladies skills session! DORC is holding a special ladies only skills session run by our qualified coach Paul Edwards. It will be held on Saturdayy 19th September at 4:30pm at Charles Darwin National Park (meet at the grass picnic area). Paul will run through mtb handling skills and then lead a ride on the new Wirraway trail and others to test your new skills.
This session is free and is being opened to DORC members and non members (women only). Refreshments will be available. You must have a mountain bike, helmet and water.
Can contact Camilla for more information 0439872465
Please count me in.. what time and what place do we meet..
Please count me in.. got it.. thanks
Do we need to book?
No booking required
There are two different times in the ad – Saturday and Sunday (on the short version of the ad). Which is correct?